Mathematical Sciences Institute Belagavi (earlier called Belgaum) is a first rate research Institute dedicated to math
lovers all over the world. MSIB (abbreviation for the Mathematical Sciences Institute Belagavi) is a
academic organisation started in the year 2003.
The basic objective of MSI is to act as a spring board for young Math-enthusiasts. We also began our talent
search through programmes aimed at school children. Quiz programmes, workshops, thematic lecture series were held regularly by
MSI-Belagavi members.
We want math-enthusiasts to know more about the institute and get benefited by our educational
ventures and stay in touch.
※ Mathematical Sciences Institute started its journey from 23rd January 2003. Incidentally this was Birth Anniversary of
David Hilbert. This was initially housed in the G.I.T Campus (Gogte Institute of Technology- Belagavi, then called Belgaum).